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2h30 PM - BRT

Opening with Carlos Aros (Young Pan) and event organizers (Rafael Breviglieri and Marcelo Peterlini/LALA, Marina Pechlivanis and Elpis Ziouva/Education for Kindness and Generosity, Asha Curan and Dante Plush /GivingTuesdaySpark)

2h50 PM - BRT

Speed speakers, inspirational messages from:

• Marlova Noleto (Director and UNESCO representative in Brazil)
• João Paulo Vergueiro (ABCR - Brazilian Association of Fundraisers)
• Augusto Correia (Education Ambassador for Kindness and Generosity)
• Tash Brooks (Hearts at work)
• Carola Matarazzo (Much Greater Movement)
• Emery Miller (Founder of Team Emery)

3h PM - BRT

Presentation by Edgard Gouveia/JornadaX

3h20 PM - BRT

Network in groups: meeting the participants

4h20 PM - BRT

Presentation of the results of the 2nd edition of the survey 3 Things I Want to Improve in the World of the Education Platform for Kindness and Generosity

4h50 PM - BRT

Challenge in groups along the lines of Jornada X

6h15 PM - BRT

Wrap up and closing of the day's activities with Carlos Aros and event organizers


2h30 PM - BRT

Opening with Carlos Aros (Young Pan) and event organizers - Rafael Breviglieri and Marcelo Peterlini (LALA), Marina Pechlivanis and Elpis Ziouva (Education for Kindness and Generosity), Khloe Thompson and Dante Plush (GivingTuesdaySpark)

2h50 PM - BRT

Speed speakers, inspirational messages from:

• Rodrigo Pipponzi (Editora Mol)
• Kabelo Malefane (Life Skills Program at Camp Sizanani)
• Cibele Racy (Educator and Specialist in School Administration)
• Naomi Neil (Third Wave Volunteers)
• Janete Vaz (Board of Grupo Sabin and Junior Achievement)
• Leo Fraiman (Leo Fraiman Clinic | OPEE Education)

3h PM - BRT

Chat between Carlos Aros and Marina Cançado (XP Investimentos) about the survey 3 Things I Want to Improve in the World of the Education Platform for Kindness and Generosity.

3h40 PM - BRT

Presentation by Edgard Gouveia/JornadaX

3h45 PM - BRT

Challenge in groups along the lines of Journey X

5h15 PM - BRT

Group presentation: most anticipated moment!

5h45 PM - BRT

Wrap up of the day's activities with Carlos Aros and event organizers

6h PM - BRT

Show and special activity with Claudinho Miranda (Favela da Paz)

6h30 PM - BRT

Closing with Carlos Aros


Access the room of day one


Access the room of day two


Gift Bag

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